Ep #41 Inclusive Retirement Planning with Laura Whiteland

Laura Whiteland is a Certified Financial Planner and owner of Inclusive Financial Planning. After working in wealth management for over five years with different firms, Laura started Inclusive Financial Planning. Inclusive FP’s mission is to make capable and caring financial planning and advice available to clients of all backgrounds and ages.

In this episode, we discuss the importance of equity and inclusivity in financial planning. We also look at the unique needs and challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ community when it comes to retirement planning and financial management. Laura stresses the value of tailoring advice to each client’s needs to create trust, ultimately fostering an inclusive atmosphere that addresses unique financial challenges for people from all backgrounds.

What You’ll Learn in Today’s Episode

  • Delve into the specific financial challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ community when preparing for a secure retirement.

  • Appreciate the significance of partnering with knowledgeable and inclusive financial professionals.

  • Acquire practical techniques for improving financial literacy and developing a robust retirement strategy.

  • Uncover essential community resources to guide you on your path to financial success.

  • Confront financial concerns head-on and foster a proactive mindset toward achieving financial security.

Ideas Worth Sharing

  • “I think recognizing every client walks with their own hang-ups, their own baggage, and for somebody who is marginalized that weight is usually heavier. So, your role as an advisor is to lift that weight off, not add to it.”

  • "It's up to the advisor to be trustworthy and welcoming and inclusive enough to show that they've earned that trust, to show that you do care and you are an ally."

  • "It's important to acknowledge that LGBTQ+ people have unique financial needs and challenges. We need to be having these conversations with people to make sure that they're prepared."

  • "Most retirement planning is really built conceptually around a heterosexual couple... often LGBTQQ+ people don't fit into those scenarios."

  • "LGBTQ+ people have to think about their financial safety nets in a different way because we might not have the traditional support systems."

  • "We need to have more inclusive financial planning tools that take into account the unique needs and experiences of queer individuals."

  • "Financial empowerment is a key aspect of achieving LGBTQ+ liberation and equality."

Resources in Today’s Episode

Laura Whiteland – Linked In

Laura Whiteland Website

Inclusive Financial Planning

Laura Whiteland’s Podcast: Let’s Talk About It

Laura Whiteland’s Blog: Stress Free Finance

Lindsay Wilson

Rights of LGBTI persons – Government of Canada

Human Rights of LGBTQ+ Community - Government of Canada

FP Canada New Research: What Influences the Recommendations Financial Planners Make for Their Clients?

Ep 31 – Courageous Conversations with Jane Blaufus

Ep 40 – Jane Robertson: Fighting Tax Inequity for Single Seniors

Investing in Your Future: How to Choose an LGBTQ+ Inclusive Financial Advisor

In this blog we cover:

  1. Recognizing the unique needs of LGBTQ+ clients

  2. Researching LGBTQ+ friendly financial institutions

  3. Finding LGBTQ+ or ally professionals

Read on as we delve into how to invest in your future by choosing an LGBTQ+ inclusive financial advisor.

  1. Recognizing the unique needs of LGBTQ+ clients

The unique needs of LGBTQ+ clients in the realm of financial planning and retirement can often be overlooked. Recognizing and understanding the specific needs of LGBTQ+ individuals is an essential first step for advisors looking to offer inclusive financial guidance. It is also essential for members of this vital community to find a trustworthy and knowledgeable professional. Such unique needs stem from various social and economic factors, which can lead to disparities in income, access to resources, family dynamics, and legal protections. Therefore, finding a financial advisor who can empathize with and adapt to the LGBTQ+ community's unique financial landscape is not just a matter of preference – it is a necessity for ensuring financial success and long-term stability.

Laura Whiteland, a Certified Financial Planner and founder of Inclusive Financial Planning in Truro, NS, emphasizes the importance of recognizing the unique needs of LGBTQ+ clients in the financial world. In her conversation on the “Your Retirement Planning Simplified” podcast, she explains that many individuals in the LGBTQ+ community may not have ever had access to proper retirement planning. Additionally, some may have grown up during times when their life expectancy was uncertain due to factors such as the AIDS epidemic.

Whiteland advocates for financial advisors to adopt an open-minded, supportive, and accommodating approach to working with LGBTQ+ clients, ensuring they feel comfortable discussing their unique financial situations and offring tailored advice that takes into account their specific needs.

Recognizing the unique needs of LGBTQ+ clients in financial planning and retirement is critical for long-term success because it can encourage engagement and trust between advisors and their clients. When individuals feel understood, they are more likely to be open and forthcoming about their financial concerns, hopes, and aspirations, which, in turn, allows for the development of more effective planning strategies.

Furthermore, recognizing and addressing these unique needs goes beyond the advisor-client relationship; it can also positively impact the financial planning industry as a whole. By advocating for inclusive policies, resources, and education in the financial planning sector, advisors can play an integral role in promoting a more equitable system that works for everyone.

2. Researching LGBTQ+ friendly financial institutions

Finding an LGBTQ+ inclusive financial advisor is crucial for individuals seeking financial advice that caters to their unique needs and experiences.

One key step in this process is researching LGBTQ+ friendly financial institutions. These institutions not only provide services tailored to the specific financial concerns of the LGBTQ+ community, but they also create a welcoming and safe environment for clients to discuss their financial goals without fear of discrimination or judgment.

In the “Your Retirement Planning Simplified” podcast, Laura further emphasizes the need to be proactive in finding queer and trans or ally professionals who can provide the appropriate advice and resources, even if this may require additional effort. Researching LGBTQ+ friendly financial institutions is essential for LGBTQ+ individuals seeking financial advice because it ensures that they receive support that is both understanding and knowledgeable about their unique needs. Working with an inclusive financial advisor can lead to better financial security and a more comfortable retirement plan.

Furthermore, by finding an advisor who genuinely understands and respects their client's identity, LGBTQ+ individuals can experience a sense of community and validation that can positively impact their overall financial well-being.

3. Finding LGBTQ+ or ally professionals

In today's diverse and constantly evolving society, finding an LGBTQ+ inclusive financial advisor is becoming increasingly important. These financial professionals understand the unique needs and challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals, providing tailored advice and personalized services that cater specifically to their situation. This inclusive approach not only helps clients feel more comfortable and well-served but also ensures that they have the planning and support necessary for a financially secure and fulfilling retirement.

In the “Your Retirement Planning Simplified” podcast, guest Laura Whiteland stresses the importance of seeking a financial advisor who is not only competent in their field but also sensitive to the unique challenges facing the LGBTQ+ community. Whiteland, also a Certified Financial Planner and founder of Inclusive Financial Planning, is an advocate for seeking out queer, trans or ally professionals, believing that clients should work with someone who truly understands their background and experiences. She emphasizes that the effort involved in finding an LGBTQ+ inclusive advisor is more than worth it, as these professionals can guide clients through sometimes complex and challenging financial decisions with empathy and understanding.

It is essential for clients to feel confident in their advisor's ability to provide them with financial security and prepare them for a comfortable retirement while ensuring that their unique needs and challenges are fully understood and accommodated throughout the planning process. A financial advisor who actively listens to their clients, respects their experiences, and is cognizant of the systemic and social barriers facing a marginalized group is crucial for fostering trust, cultivating productive conversations, and ultimately, producing the best outcomes. By seeking out queer, trans or ally professionals, clients can ensure that they have an advocate in their corner with an authentic understanding of their experiences and the financial acumen to help them achieve their financial goals. This approach can help foster financial security and well-being for LGBTQ+ individuals and their families, paving the way for a comfortable and fulfilling retirement.

Every individual deserves a bright financial future. Empower yourself to find a financial advisor that respects and supports your distinct needs by acknowledging these necessities, researching inclusive institutions, gathering recommendations, reaching out to queer, trans or ally professionals, appraising cultural competence, nurturing open communication, evaluating marketing materials, reviewing affiliations, and always enhancing your own financial literacy. Your progress towards a secure financial future is significant, so don't hesitate to invest the effort and find that ideal financial advisor who will partner with you on this journey.

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Whenever you’re ready… here are 2 ways I can help you with your Retirement Planning:

  1. Are you ready to retire? Use my FREE Retirement Readiness Calculator to run your numbers to see if you’re truly ready to retire.

  2. Book your Intro Call with me to see if my expertise matches your situation. If I’m not the right fit for you, I will happily point you in the right direction to get the advice you need.

DISCLAIMER: Investment services are provided through Matthews and Associates Investments of Aligned Capital Partners Inc., an approved trade name of Aligned Capital Partners Inc © Podcast Abundance | podcastabundance.com (ACPI). Only investment-related products and services are offered through ACPI/Matthews and Associates Investments of ACPI and covered by the Canadian Investor Protection Fund. Tax planning, financial planning and insurance services are provided through Matthews and Associates. Matthews and Associates is an independent company separate and distinct from ACPI/ Matthews and Associates Investments of ACPI. Matthews and Associates are not licenced tax professionals, and you should consult with your tax advisor before acting on any recommendations.


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