Ep #44 - Unleashing Your Values for a Fulfilling Retirement: The Retirement Navigator

We introduce our “Retirement Navigator”, our new tool designed to simplify retirement planning.

The Navigator works like a compass to give direction in retirement. It helps you to align your values, establish purpose, and optimize retirement income streams for a successful retirement.

What You’ll Learn in Today’s Episode:

Retirement planning should begin with identifying and clarifying your core values and priorities. Having a sense of purpose in retirement is crucial for overall well-being and fulfillment.

Understand your cash flow needs and create a budget for retirement. It's important to determine your financial requirements, including both needs and wants, while also setting aside funds for emergencies.

Retirement income can come from various sources, such as government benefits (e.g., old age security and Canada Pension Plan), personal investments (e.g., RRSPs, tax-free savings accounts), workplace pensions, and business assets (e.g., dividends from a corporation). Identifying and planning for these income streams is necessary to sustain a comfortable retirement lifestyle.

For Canadians, government benefits like Old Age Security and Canada Pension Plan play a significant role in retirement planning. Understanding the eligibility criteria, benefits, and timing considerations is important for optimizing these income sources.

Developing a retirement income plan is crucial to ensure that you have sufficient funds to support your lifestyle after retirement. This plan should consider factors like cash flow needs, retirement income streams, tax implications, and longevity to help you make informed decisions and manage your finances effectively.

Ideas Worth Sharing:

·       "It all starts with your values because once your values are clear, it's a lot easier to make decisions around how you want to live your life and how you want to spend your money."

·       "Having a purpose in retirement isn't about having the one thing that you have to be focused on for the rest of your life. It's about creating priorities that you can get excited about, that are going to get you out of bed in the morning."

·       "You don't have to think about purpose as a life's purpose. It's really just making sure there's something you could get excited about."

·       "If you're taking from the wrong sources at the wrong time, you could be paying a lot more tax than you need to."

·       "The timing of government benefits is one of the biggest decisions a lot of people will need to make in retirement. People don't understand how big of an impact the timing can have."

·       "Retirement income planning is about ensuring you don't outlive your money, matching your cash flow requirements, and managing taxes effectively."

Resources in Today’s Episode

Joseph Curry

Lindsay Wilson

Retirement Planning Simplified

Old Age Security

Canada Pension Plan

Ep # 27: Maximizing Your Legacy Through Charitable Giving with Mark Halpern

Ep # 28: Charitable Giving in Your Community with Lesley Heighway

Discover Your True Self: A Comprehensive Guide to Finding Your Purpose in Retirement

Are you approaching retirement and feeling unsure about what your purpose will be once you leave your career behind? Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to find your purpose in retirement, ensuring that it's fulfilling and aligned with your values.

At RPS we believe that understanding personal values and having a clear sense of purpose act as a compass to guide you through retirement. Retirement offers a unique opportunity to discover new passions, reconnect with long-lost interests, and redefine one's sense of purpose. Recognizing the incredible impact a clear understanding of personal values can have during this transformative stage is essential to planning a successful and meaningful retirement.

Through our step-by-step guide, you'll gain insights into how you can leverage your unique skills, passions, and values to create an inspiring and fulfilling life purpose in retirement. With this newfound clarity, you'll be well-equipped to confidently embrace your golden years and experience a truly enriching retirement.

1. Reflect on personal values and priorities
Reflecting on personal values and priorities is a critical first step toward finding your purpose in retirement. This self-reflection allows you to tap into what truly matters to you and can significantly contribute to your overall happiness and satisfaction in life. By cultivating a deeper understanding of your core values, you become better equipped to make decisions that align with your true desires and aspirations. Not only do you gain clarity and insight into your personal goals and ideals, but you also become empowered to create a retirement plan that is tailored to meet your unique needs.

By defining your values, you essentially lay the groundwork for a meaningful and intentional retirement, one that is driven by your authentic sense of purpose.

To help uncover your personal values, we suggest writing down the first ten words that come to mind when you think of values. Narrowing down this list to a maximum of seven core values can then serve as a framework for making intentional decisions about your spending habits, actions, and overall lifestyle. Engaging in this introspective process, it encourages you to live according to your true convictions, leading to increased satisfaction and contentment throughout your retirement years. This key step allows you to transition into the next phase of your life with a clear sense of direction and purpose. By actively identifying and prioritizing your personal values, you become capable of making better-informed decisions that will ultimately contribute to a more satisfying and enjoyable retirement experience.

2. Write down ten initial value-related words
Identifying and clarifying one's values is an essential step in planning for a successful and fulfilling retirement. While many may initially focus on the financial aspects of this life stage, understanding your core values helps guide your decision-making process and ensures that your retirement aligns with your true priorities. Start by writing down ten value-related words that resonate with you is a powerful exercise in self-reflection and can provide valuable insight into what matters most to you. This list can serve as a personal compass, guiding you in making important decisions, setting goals, and establishing a vision for your retirement years that is both meaningful and satisfying.

The process of identifying your core values is critical for anyone preparing for retirement, as it allows you to approach this phase of life with a clear sense of purpose and fulfillment. Too often, retirees find themselves feeling lost or unfulfilled as they transition from a lifelong career into seemingly endless leisure time. By clarifying your values, you can establish a strong foundation for the retirement years that will guide your choices and activities, ensuring a richer and more meaningful experience. Moreover, continuously revisiting and reevaluating these values allows room for growth and evolution, enabling you to embrace new opportunities and adapt to changing circumstances while remaining true to your authentic self. Ultimately, understanding your values is essential in creating a retirement plan that is personally satisfying and truly successful.

3. Research and circle resonating values online
When planning for retirement, it is essential for individuals to identify their core values in order to live a fulfilling life. These values serve as a foundation for decision-making and help prioritize the things that truly matter. After recognizing and defining personal values, retirees can choose where to spend their time, money, and energy more intentionally. Researching values and value-related words online can develop an understanding of what values are important to them. As individuals are often bombarded by societal expectations and external influences, this process of discovering their own unique set of values can empower them to make choices that align with their personal priorities, both in pre-retirement and throughout their retirement years.

From the list, retirees can circle the values that resonate with them and narrow it down to a maximum of seven core values. Joe stresses that once these values have been identified, they should act as a framework for making decisions about spending and actions, ultimately leading to more intentional living. This exercise can help retirees distinguish between what they believe to be important on a deeper level, as opposed to what society or external pressures might suggest.

This process of researching and identifying core values ensures that retirees are basing their decisions on what truly matters, rather than allowing external influences to dictate their choices. As financial planning plays a significant role in retirement, identifying personal values can act as a filter to avoid unnecessary expenses, allowing retirees to invest in experiences, activities, and relationships that genuinely align with their core values. Additionally, by having a clear sense of purpose and values, retirees can remain flexible and adapt to changes throughout their retirement without losing sight of what brings meaning and joy to their lives. Ultimately, the process of discovering and prioritizing personal values can lead to a more intentional, fulfilling, and successful retirement.

As you approach retirement, it’s vital to have a strong sense of purpose to fully enjoy and make the most of this new phase. Don’t wait any longer - start discovering your purpose in retirement today, and welcome this exciting new stage with open arms!


Ep #45 - Retiring Your Way: Uncovering Different Types of Retirement


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