Ep # 66 - Seize the Opportunities: Craft Your Perfect Retirement with Gary Poier

Joe welcomes Gary Poier, retirement life coach and trainer to discuss retirement planning from a unique perspective that goes beyond the financial. Author of "Make Retiring Easy," Gary emphasizes the importance of uncovering the potential in retirement.

He highlights the seven principles of his Philosophy of Retirement, encouraging individuals to consider the broader aspects of their lives beyond just financial stability.

Gary provides a framework that financial advisors and individuals alike can use to navigate the complexities of retirement, ensuring a more meaningful and satisfying post-career life.

What You’ll Learn in Today’s Episode

Holistic Retirement Planning: Gary emphasizes the need for individuals and financial advisors to explore values, purpose, and personal fulfillment as crucial elements in creating a satisfying retirement.

Philosophy of Retirement: Gary introduces his Philosophy of Retirement, consisting of seven principles and 30 accompanying perspectives. This framework encourages intentional thinking and reflection.

Early Planning and Intentionality: Gary challenges the common notion that retirement planning can be deferred until after retirement. He promotes early planning and intentionality, encouraging people to think about and plan for their retirement vision well in advance.

Retirement as a Personal Journey: Highlighting the principle that "retirement is a personal journey," Gary urges individuals not to settle for an average retirement but to tailor their plans according to their unique preferences, interests, and aspirations.

Legacy and Personal Growth: Gary introduces the concept of creating a personal legacy in retirement, emphasizing that it's not just about financial legacies. He encourages individuals to consider how they can leave a meaningful impact by sharing a part of themselves with future generations.

Ideas Worth Sharing

“Retirement is offering you a world of potential, but the thing is that potential is not always evident. Sometimes you must do a little bit of digging, and if you can uncover the potential, though, you uncover the opportunities and the activities that will lead to you having the best retirement you possibly can."

“I want clients to live their life fully and to do all they can, the best way they can for as long as they can, because a lot of people tend to see retirement as a long weekend. And I don't want that. I want them to live their life fully."

“Retirement is a time of opportunity. But because there are so many opportunities, we need to carefully weigh each one. We need to think of it as opportunity spending.”

“Creating a personal legacy, in my opinion, is even more important, because what you're doing is you're leaving a part of you behind for future generations."

 Resources in Today’s Episode

Joe Curry

Retirement Planning Simplified

The RPS Retirement Navigator

Gary Poier

Make Retiring Easy by Gary Poier - Gary Poier has created a system that helps you to see retirement from 30 vantage points.  He calls his system the Philosophy of Retirement.      

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Ep # 24 – YRPS – The Curated Retirement, Interview with Retirement Coach Tammy Vigue

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Retirement Reimagined: Designing Your Ideal Retirement with Gary Poier

“Retirement brings with it a sense of urgency. I want people to have thought about what they want from their retirement, so they hit the ground running. - Gary Poier

Gary Poier is an experienced financial advisor and retirement planning expert with over 26 years in the financial services industry. He is the author of "Make Retiring Easy" which offers valuable insights and strategies for financial advisors and wealth managers.

Gary's passion lies in helping clients achieve a purposeful and fulfilling retirement through a comprehensive retirement life plan. With a focus on values and purpose, Gary emphasizes the importance of planning and reflection to uncover the potential and opportunities retirement offers. His expertise and unique perspective make him a valuable resource for advisors and clients alike, guiding them in creating a retirement that goes beyond just financial security.

During his 26 years in the field, Gary observed a common issue among those approaching retirement age: a lack of clarity and purpose for their post-career lives. Recognizing the pivotal role financial advisors and wealth managers play in guiding clients through this pivotal life transition. Gary's mission is to empower financial professionals and clients to envision and plan for a purposeful and fulfilling retirement. By sharing his 7 principles and 30 accompanying perspectives, he aims to encourage intentional, thoughtful consideration of the next chapter, ensuring that individuals can live their lives fully and embrace the opportunities that retirement brings.

In this episode, you will be able to:

·        Discover practical retirement planning strategies in our engaging workshops.

·        Uncover expert insights and guidance in our "Make Retiring Easy" book.

·        Create a tailored retirement plan that suits your unique needs.

·        Achieve a purposeful and fulfilling retirement through our comprehensive life plan.

·        Embrace a retirement that's both fulfilling and purposeful with our guidance.

Identifying Retirement Potential
Have you ever wondered about the infinite possibilities that retirement holds? By identifying the potential that retirement provides, we can design a fulfilling journey. It's not only about winding down; it's also an opportunity to explore new hobbies, learn new skills, and maybe even start a new business. During the chat, Gary highlights this perception shift. Many people struggle with what it means to have a fruitful retirement, often viewing it as a period of inactivity. Gary's philosophy encourages retirees to plan for a robust retirement plan that supports a productive way of living, rather than just a way of spending time.

Purpose of the Book
”Make Retiring Easy” is aimed at helping individuals and advisors discover the potential that retirement brings and the fulfilling activities that it opens up. Identifying a clear life purpose post-retirement can help individuals avoid over-identifying with their work personas. It's all about finding a purpose that goes beyond filling the hours. Gary encourages financial advisors to initiate retirement conversations with their clients. Gary points out that it’s crucial not to reduce retirement to a void to be filled with random activities, but a full planner full of exciting activities, hobbies, and plans.

Main Themes of the Book
The primary themes of Gary's book revolve around identifying retirement potential, creating an intentional plan, preparing for changes, and embracing retirement with urgency. It encourages individuals to consider retirement as an opportunity to live a purposeful life, broaden their horizons, and encounter exciting prospects. This life phase can be both empowering and fulfilling if approached correctly.

The resources mentioned in this episode are:

·        Check out Gary Poier's book “Make Retiring Easy” for clients, financial advisors and wealth managers.

·        Consider working with a financial advisor or wealth manager to help create your own Retirement Planning Simplified.

·        Reflect on your own retirement goals and create a vision for the next 20 or 30 years of your life.

·        Explore opportunities and activities that retirement offers and consider how they align with your values and purpose.

·        Take the time to think intentionally about your retirement and create a blueprint or retirement life plan.

·        Don't wait until retirement to figure out what you want to do – start planning and preparing now.

·        If you're a business owner or professional, consider the impact of selling your business on your retirement and consult with a retirement planning expert like Gary Poier for guidance.

·        Reflect on your life purpose and how it may evolve or change in retirement.

·        Write down your retirement goals and create a plan to achieve them.

·        Explore the idea of succession planning and consider how it may impact your retirement.

Timestamped summary of this episode:
00:00:01 - Introduction
Joe welcomes Gary to the show and expresses excitement about discussing retirement beyond just money.

00:00:37 - Purpose of the Book
Gary explains that he wrote the book for financial advisors and wealth managers because many clients struggle to articulate what they want to do in retirement. The book aims to help advisors have meaningful conversations with their clients and guide them toward creating their best retirement life.

00:02:25 - Main Themes of the Book
The main theme of the book is that retirement offers a world of potential, but it may not be evident. Gary's process helps individuals uncover opportunities and activities that will lead to their best retirement. The underlying theme is encouraging clients to live their life fully and not see retirement as just a long weekend.

00:03:41 - Identifying Retirement Potential
Gary shares that while identifying retirement potential isn't difficult, it does require time, energy, and effort. He has developed a process with seven principles and 30 perspectives to help clients identify activities, opportunities, and major changes in retirement.

00:06:00 - The Philosophy of Retirement
Gary's process emphasizes the importance of intentional thinking and planning for retirement. He discusses the seven principles, including the idea that retirement is created twice, retirement as a personal journey, retirement as a time of opportunity and major change, retirement bringing a sense of urgency, rethinking life purpose, and the importance of writing down and planning for retirement desires.

00:15:00 - Introduction and Book Details
Gary Poier introduces his book "Make Retiring Easy" and shares that it can be purchased on Amazon. He also mentions that he offers two full-day workshops, "Seeing Retirement Clearly" and "Experiencing Retirement Fully," which are detailed on his website.

00:15:37 - Workshop Details
\Gary Poier explains that the first workshop, "Seeing Retirement Clearly," comes with a 105-page workbook. The second workshop, "Experiencing Retirement Fully," focuses on creating a retirement life plan with clients. These workshops can be found on the Make Retiring Easy website.

00:16:12 - Conclusion and Gratitude
Joe expresses gratitude to Gary for his time and insights, encouraging listeners to visit the website and read the book. Gary thanks Joseph for having him on the podcast.


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