Ep # 89 - Why Typical Isn't Always Right in Estate Planning

This week Joe takes a deep dive into the world of personalized financial advising, where clients are more than just numbers on a spreadsheet. Using a compelling client story, he explores the importance of understanding your client and their unique situation.

From estate planning intricacies to navigating complex beneficiary considerations, Joe offers practical insights and expert advice to empower you on your financial journey. Discover how personalized financial advising can make all the difference in securing your financial future.

What You’ll Learn in Today’s Episode

Personalized Service: Clients value approachability and customized service from financial advisors, emphasizing the importance of feeling understood on their financial planning journey.

Deep Understanding: Effective financial advice requires a deep understanding of each client's unique situation, akin to a doctor diagnosing before prescribing treatment.

Tailored Solutions: Clients' specific needs, such as estate planning intricacies and beneficiary considerations, call for tailored solutions rather than one-size-fits-all approaches.

Client Education: Educating clients on various options, including trusts and tax optimization strategies, empowers them to make informed decisions aligned with their goals and concerns.

Collaborative Approach: Fostering open dialogue and collaboration among clients, advisors, and legal professionals ensures comprehensive and effective financial planning, transcending conventional methods.

Ideas Worth Sharing

·       "How can an advisor give you good advice without really knowing you?"

·       "What's typical is not necessarily what's right for every client."

·       "At the end of the day, this just kind of shows how having those deeper conversations and really knowing our clients allows us to give them a lot better advice rather than just kind of the rule of thumb or a boilerplate kind of plan."

·       "It's crucial because effective financial advice necessitates a deep understanding of each client's unique situation."

Resources in this episode

Joe Curry

Lindsay Wilson

RPS Estate Planner

 The Importance of Advisors Who Really Get To Know You

 When it comes to financial advisors, it's easy to feel like just another number in a sea of clients. However, in terms of the advisor-client relationship, we believe it’s important for clients to be seen, understood and valued. Advisors need to go beyond surface-level interactions and truly get to know their clients on a personal level.

At the heart of effective financial advising lies the concept of personalized service. Clients consistently highlight the value of approachability and personalized attention when working with advisors. They want to feel like their advisor understands their unique circumstances, goals, and concerns. After all, how can an advisor provide sound financial advice without first understanding the intricacies of their client's situation?

It’s just like a doctor offering treatment before diagnosing. A good doctor wouldn't offer medical advice without understanding a patient's symptoms and medical history, it’s the same for financial advisors. A deeper understanding forms the foundation of effective financial planning and ensures that recommendations are tailored to each client's specific needs.

One of the key areas where personalized service shines is in estate planning. Estate planning is a complex and highly personal endeavor, requiring careful consideration of beneficiaries, tax implications, and long-term goals. Often clients encounter advisors who offer cookie-cutter solutions or fail to explore alternative options that could better align with their client’s wishes.

This is where the importance of client education comes into play. Empowering clients with knowledge about various estate planning strategies, such as trusts and tax optimization techniques, allows them to make informed decisions that align with their goals and values.

Furthermore, a collaborative approach between clients, advisors, and legal professionals is essential in navigating the complexities of estate planning. Open dialogue and transparent communication ensure that all parties are aligned and working towards the same goals.

 Ultimately, the goal of personalized financial advising is to provide clients with peace of mind and confidence in their financial future. By taking the time to truly get to know their clients and understand their goals and concerns, advisors can offer recommendations that are not only effective but also aligned with their client's values and priorities. This personalized approach transcends the traditional advisor-client relationship, fostering a sense of trust and partnership that is invaluable in navigating life's financial complexities.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Having a personal relationship with your financial advisor fosters trust and confidence in their recommendations, as they understand your unique financial situation, goals, and concerns. This personal connection allows for more tailored advice and strategies that align with your specific needs and preferences. Additionally, open communication and regular interactions with your advisor facilitate proactive financial planning and adjustments as your circumstances change over time. Ultimately, this close relationship provides peace of mind, knowing that you have a dedicated professional who is invested in your financial well-being and success.

  • Estate planning involves arranging the management and distribution of assets after one's passing. It is vital for families because it ensures their legacy is protected, loved ones are provided for, and financial burdens are minimized. Estate planning essentials for families include creating wills, setting up trusts, and designating power of attorney. These steps help safeguard assets, reduce tax liabilities, and ensure that one's wishes are carried out efficiently.

  • The best trust in estate planning varies based on your goals. A Revocable Living Trust avoids probate, while an Irrevocable Trust shields assets from creditors and taxes. Testamentary Trusts manage assets for minors, Special Needs Trusts support disabled beneficiaries, Charitable Remainder Trusts (CRTs) combine charity with income, and Grantor Retained Annuity Trusts (GRATs) reduce gift taxes on appreciated assets. Consult an estate planning attorney for personalized advice.

  • To choose beneficiaries for your estate, consider your relationships, assess financial responsibility, define long-term goals, address individual needs, explore tax-efficient strategies, consult professionals, and regularly review and update your plan.


Ep # 90 - Maximize Your Estate: Strategies to Transfer Assets Tax-Efficiently to Your Beneficiaries


Ep 88 – Testamentary Spousal Trusts