Ep # 90 - Maximize Your Estate: Strategies to Transfer Assets Tax-Efficiently to Your Beneficiaries

This week we look at crucial considerations surrounding beneficiaries. From dissecting the implications of naming beneficiaries on assets like RRSPs, pension plans, and non-registered accounts to shedding light on the strategic use of life insurance, this insightful discussion offers invaluable insights for listeners navigating their estate planning journey.

What You’ll Learn in Today’s Episode

Beneficiary Considerations: We discuss the importance of carefully selecting beneficiaries for various assets to ensure they are distributed according to one's wishes. This includes understanding tax implications and considering factors like marital status, dependents, and potential conflicts among heirs.

Asset-Specific Strategies: Different types of assets, such as RRSPs, pension plans, non-registered accounts, and life insurance policies, require tailored beneficiary designations. We examine the nuances of each asset type and the implications of naming beneficiaries, including tax consequences and the flow of assets outside of probate.

Tax Efficiency: A key theme is maximizing tax efficiency in estate planning. Strategies such as naming a spouse as the successor annuitant for RRSPs and utilizing life insurance to pass on assets tax-free are discussed as ways to minimize tax liabilities for beneficiaries.

Estate Planning Tools: We emphasize the importance of clear estate planning and organization. Tools like an estate registry are recommended to help individuals take inventory of their assets and ensure their executors have a comprehensive understanding of their estate.

Actionable Steps: Listeners are encouraged to take proactive steps in their estate planning journey, including clarifying their estate plan, understanding their options for naming beneficiaries, and utilizing resources like estate registries to streamline the process for their loved ones.

Ideas Worth Sharing

·       "In most cases, people will do anything to not pay probate. Right. So how can we find a way to get the assets into our beneficiaries' hands, as opposed to going through the estate where we have to pay probate, or the estate pays probate before it then goes off to our beneficiaries?"

·       "It's all about making informed decisions and taking proactive steps to safeguard your assets and legacy.”

·       “Maybe you have some permanent life insurance because you want to make sure there's money there for final expenses."

·       "So, you know, a lot of successful business owners have built up these funds in their business that they're never going to spend. So this is one way to get that, on a more tax efficient basis out to your family when something happens to you."

Resources in this episode

Joe Curry

Lindsay Wilson

RPS Estate Planner

Who Gets What? A Guide to Distributing Assets from RRSPs, RIFs, and More After You're Gone

If you're feeling overwhelmed by the thought of what will happen to your assets after you're gone, and you're unsure about how to name beneficiaries for your various accounts, then you are not alone!

Get clear on your estate. Start with what you want to happen to your money when something happens to you

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Maximize your retirement funds by naming beneficiaries strategically.

  • Discover how to avoid the complexities of probate with effective estate planning.

  • Learn how to minimize tax implications when passing RRSPs and RIFs to your beneficiaries.

  • Uncover the benefits of choosing a successor annuitant for tax-free savings accounts.

  • Explore the importance of strategic life insurance beneficiary planning for your estate.

Naming beneficiaries for retirement funds
In every estate plan, naming beneficiaries for retirement funds is a critical step. Understanding the implications of these designations can have a significant impact on the distribution of assets and tax consequences for your loved ones. By strategically selecting beneficiaries for different types of assets, such as registered retirement funds and tax-free savings accounts, you can ensure a smoother transfer of wealth while potentially minimizing probate fees. The conversation around this topic emphasized the necessity of informed decision-making to optimize estate planning strategies and maximize the benefits for intended beneficiaries.

Life insurance beneficiary planning for estate
Strategic life insurance beneficiary planning plays a crucial role in estate management, particularly in optimizing asset transfer and minimizing tax implications for beneficiaries. By naming beneficiaries strategically, individuals can ensure the tax-efficient distribution of life insurance proceeds to their intended heirs. The episode delved into the nuances of beneficiary designation within life insurance policies, emphasizing the importance of aligning beneficiary choices with overall estate planning goals. Through practical examples and insights, listeners gained a deeper understanding of how life insurance can serve as a valuable tool in preserving wealth and securing financial legacies for future generations.

The resources mentioned in this episode are:

  • Email info@retirementplanningsimplified.ca to request a copy of the estate registry mentioned in the conversation.

  • Consider using segregated funds as a potential option to get some assets outside the estate and avoid probate. However, it's important to weigh the additional costs against the goal of avoiding probate.

  • If interested in learning about the bank that allows direct payout of up to $250,000 to beneficiaries without sending it to the estate, email info@retirementplanningsimplified.ca for more information.

  • Utilize the estate registry to take inventory of everything related to estate planning, ensuring that executors have a running start in case something happens.

  • For any questions or further information about the discussed topics, email info@retirementplanningsimplified.ca.

Timestamped summary of this episode:
00:00:00 - Introduction to Retirement Planning Simplified
Joe and Lindsay discuss the excitement around their theatre performance and the importance of inviting people to the show.

00:01:00 - Naming Beneficiaries for Assets
The discussion covers the importance of naming beneficiaries for different assets and how it affects tax implications and probate.

00:07:52 - Understanding Pensions and Survivor Benefits
The conversation delves into the differences between defined contribution and defined benefit pensions, as well as the implications for survivor benefits for spouses and dependent children.

00:10:42 - Tax-Free Savings Accounts and Successor Annuity
Joe explains the benefits of naming a successor annuitant for a tax-free savings account, especially for a surviving spouse, and the tax implications of different beneficiary designations.

00:12:25 - Non-Registered Investment Accounts and Segregated Funds
The discussion covers the flow of non-registered account assets through the estate, as well as potential options for getting some assets outside the estate, such as using segregated funds.

00:12:54 - Segregated Funds and Probate Avoidance
Joe and Lindsay discuss the potential benefits and drawbacks of segregated funds for avoiding probate. They highlight the additional costs and scenarios where segregated funds may or may not be a viable option.

00:13:50 - Privacy, Conflict Avoidance, and Trusts
The discussion shifts to the reasons for avoiding probate, including privacy and conflict avoidance within the family. They also explore the use of trusts as an alternative to segregated funds for passing on assets to beneficiaries.

00:15:21 - Life Insurance as a Planning Tool
Joe and Lindsay delve into the potential benefits of using life insurance for estate planning, particularly for assets not needed during retirement. They emphasize the tax-free flow of assets to beneficiaries outside of the estate.

00:16:15 - Beneficiaries and Life Insurance
The conversation focuses on naming beneficiaries and the flexibility of choosing individuals, charities, or even corporations as recipients of life insurance benefits. They also touch on the importance of considering business-related insurance and buy-sell agreements.

00:19:57 - Action Items and Estate Registry
Joe and Lindsay provide action items for listeners, emphasizing the importance of clarifying estate plans and using the estate registry to document and organize all related information for the benefit of executors and beneficiaries.


  • Episode 90 of our podcast discussed the most tax-efficient methods for transferring assets to your beneficiaries. These strategies often entail designating your spouse as the successor annuitant for retirement accounts, leveraging life insurance policies to offer tax-free benefits, and reducing probate by employing joint ownership or trusts. The effectiveness of each approach hinges on your individual financial circumstances and estate planning objectives.

  • In addition to the points discussed in our blog, it's important to note the implications of naming a non-spousal beneficiary for your RRSP usually result in the entire account being taxed as income in the year of your death, which can create a significant tax burden. To avoid this, consider naming your spouse as the successor annuitant to defer taxes until they make withdrawals. Another strategy to explore is setting up Testamentary Spousal Trusts, which can provide tax benefits and more control over the distribution of assets to your spouse.

  • Additionally, it's essential to recognize the significant role that financial advisors play in estate planning. They assist you in comprehending the tax implications of your decisions, recommend strategies to optimize the value of your estate, and ensure that your estate plan aligns seamlessly with your financial objectives. Financial advisors offer expertise and guidance crucial for developing a comprehensive and effective estate plan tailored to your unique circumstances.

  • In our podcast, from the 10th to the 12th minute, we delve into the topic of Tax-Free Savings Accounts (TFSAs). A TFSA is a financial vehicle available in Canada that allows individuals to save and invest money without incurring taxes on the investment income earned within the account. TFSA contributions are made with after-tax dollars, meaning that withdrawals, including any investment gains, are tax-free. This makes TFSAs a valuable tool for Canadians to grow their savings without the burden of taxation on their investment returns.


Ep # 91 - Capital Gains Tax - Assessing Your Risk and Taking Action


Ep # 89 - Why Typical Isn't Always Right in Estate Planning